Recently I was introduced to Beautycounter products, and boy am I happy I was! Beautycounter is a skincare/beauty product company whose main goal is to get safer products into the hands of everyone (this is literally their mission) To read about their story click here:
To quickly give you an idea of why they are so great.... They ban the use of more than 1500 harmful chemicals such as parabens, BHT/BHA, formaldehyde, and to see more from their "Never List" click here:
To give you an idea of why it's important to refrain from products that contain these chemicals...
Whatever goes ON our skin, goes INTO our bodies.
For example: Parabens are used in products to prevent the growth of mold and bacteria, YES this is a good thing, and is helpful to beauty product developers. However, they are endocrine disruptors to US and they alter important hormone mechanisms in our bodies.
Now, I am not saying OMG you must go throw out ALL your beauty products because they contain any of these chemicals. I know for a fact that would be overwhelming considering how expensive skincare products and makeup can be. I am instead suggesting that you be aware of the products you buy from here on out, and make safer choices when possible... and this leads me into talking about the products from Beautycounter I have grown to love, and will continue using from here on out!
I love this company not only because they believe in creating safer products, but because their products are of good quality as well!
My absolute favorite products I've tried this far are the balancing charcoal mask (seen above), the nourishing cream cleanser, the Vitamin C facial oil, and their tint skin foundation.
As a teenager I had acne occasionally, mostly around that time of the month in my T zone, and a lot of my random breakouts probably had to do with my poor diet (soda, french fries, candy). Today, I eat well (with the occasional indulgences because BALANCE), exercise often, and find myself with MORE breakouts than ever before. (like everywhere, like ALL the time) It's quite frustrating to say the least.
It's been said that great skin comes from the inside out. This is why I'm coming to the conclusion that while I live a healthy lifestyle and my body loves me for that, something inside my body still isn't happy. While this is a journey in itself, trying to come up with the reason for WHY this is happening to me despite my healthy habits, finding a beauty routine that helps to keep things mostly under control is SUPER important. Finding products that not only tame the acne beast, but are actually OK for me to put onto my skin make for a way happier/ slightly less frustrated Kelsey.
Using the charcoal mask 2-3 times a week I have noticed a lot less black heads on/around my nose, on my chin, and between my brows. It is REALLY neat because after leaving it on for 10 minutes it dries, tightens, and you can see little black spots have appeared... and THESE are impurities being pulled from your skin. Right before your very eyes!
Look! Even Trev likes it! :) Post face mask, he reported his skin felt nice and smooth!
This, along with using the nourishing cream cleanser (which contains witch hazel, coconut oil, and aloe) 2x a day, and my skin just overall feels better. Recently, after being a little nervous it would make my face freak, I tried the Vitamin C oil. I applied it at night consecutively for about 4 days, and I noticed that any breakouts I did have (and touched) healed rather quickly, and my face felt much more hydrated.
Not only do they have skincare products, but they have makeup as well. Since I am just getting into this, I haven't tried a ton, and I am anxious to try it all. However, I am super lucky to have gotten to sample their foundation. Honestly, if my skin was flawless, I wouldn't wear a DROP of makeup. I really appreciate the simplicity of walking out of the house and not having anything on my face... but this is not my reality. While sometimes I rock my imperfect skin, sometimes I want to just not have to worry about how it appears to others. I have had a hard time finding a foundation that not only was made with good ingredients, but also didn't make my skin freak out, or look like I had a face loaded with heavy makeup. I was really happy when trying the Beautycounter foundation because it was light, blended well, offered good coverage, and evened out my skin tone.
These are my PERSONAL reviews of the products I've tried this far. I plan to try lots more, and I will be happy to report on those as well.
Considering the fact I do believe what this company is all about, and I have seen results myself after using their products (I would NOT do this if I didn't actually enjoy the product FYI)... I teamed up with my Beautycounter consultant Jordan, and we opened up an online social for those of you who are interested to get on the Beautycounter train and use products that will help you feel beautiful, and won't do harm to your body!
Below are the links to two of my favorites in case you want to give them a try!
Balancing Charcoal Mask
Nourishing Cream Cleanser
Feel free to look around at everything else as well! Just make sure you buy under my social so that you can be entered into a drawing for a free Beautycounter Product! Anyone who purchases at least one thing under my social will be entered! (See below)