A Balanced Meal


When you think of a balanced meal, what comes to mind? I know that when I was beginning my healthy eating journey I had no idea what balanced actually meant. Did it mean a balance between cake and veggies? Did it mean a balance between chicken and rice?

It wasn't until I took on nutrition challenges AND went through a Whole Foods cooking class at school that I obtained a definition of balanced that I truly liked.

My definition of a balance meal:

One that is nutritionally balanced and contains:

  • Healthy fat (avocado, nuts, nut butter, tahini)

  • Protein (animal protein, OR the combo of legume/whole grain)

  • Carbs (sweet potato, brown rice, quinoa, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini)

While also following the whole foods balanced meal guidelines and contains:

  • An animal protein such as fish, eggs, chicken, pork, or beef ( OR whole grain and legume if vegan/vegetarian + b12 source, whether that's a form or dairy if vegetarian or b12 supplement if vegan)

  • Starchy vegetable (sweet potato) or whole grain (quinoa, brown rice)

  • Green vegetable (spinach, broccoli, kale, green beans)

  • Vegetable of any color (carrots, cabbage, onion)

  • Digestive, anything raw, fermented, cultured, pickled, bitter (sauerkraut, kimchi, greek yogurt, pickles, pickled beets, sour cream)

Following these guidelines when putting together a meal will help to provide your body with the macro nutrients (fat, protein, carbs) and micro nutrients (vitamins, minerals) it needs. While also allowing for you to feel more satisfied at meal time, and after, because a balance of the macros also helps to keep your blood sugar stable! 

This isn't something that is meant to be followed 24/7, because lets be real, we don't always have the time to do so. However, with proper planning, and being mindful when it comes time to eat, this IS something that can be achieved more times than not. So I now challenge you! For your next meal that you are able to take the time to put together, make a list and try to check off each of these foods! Your body will thank you :)


Take a pic of your balanced meal, tag @faretoned on Instagram, and use the hashtag #Faretoned!