Warning! Booty burner --- Resistance Band Workout
Want a fun booty workout that you can do outside? Well here ya go! It was so nice and sunny the other day, I could NOT get myself to workout inside. Therefore I took what I could with me outside (resistance bands) and this workout was created! (see video below)
Time: Roughly 45 minutes, longer or shorter! All depends on how fast ya move :)
3-5 minutes of light cardio OR
- 30 Body weight squats
- 30 Walking lunges
- 30 High knees
- 30 skaters
- 50 Jumping jacks
Repeat above exercises once more.
- Monster walks (slightly wider than hip width apart)
- Alternating single leg walk and balance
- Zombie walks (legs hip width apart)
- Walking squats (Forward, and backwards)
For the 4 moves above find a space that is large enough to walk back and forth. ( about 12 steps total, one way....if you're a number person) For each of these go back and forth 4 times, OR until you feel the burn. Rest, then move to the next exercise. Repeat all 4, 2 more times. Then continue on with the rest of the exercises.
- Alternating Lunges 30 total
- Donkey kicks 30 left / 30 right
- Fire Hydrants 30 left / 30 right
- Bent knee leg raise 30 left/ 30 right
- Clam shells20 left/ 20 right
- Inner thigh pulls20 left/20 right
- Glute bridge 30 total
- Straight leg side kick 20 left/ 20 right
- Standing straight leg kick back (Resistance on thighs) 20 left/ 20 right
- Standing straight leg kick back (Resistance on calves) 20 left/ 20 right
Option to repeat each of these above 1-2 more times.
Stretch out those leg muscles, quads, hamstrings, calves, and glutes. Minimum of a 20 second hold per stretch.
***The goal is to choose resistance bands that are challenging enough so that you feel the burn, but that allow you to complete all reps for at least 1 round. Difference in resistance typically goes by color. The ones I have say "heavy" "extra heavy" "light" "medium light". If you use bands at the gym and they only have the color and no description, then ask a gym employee for guidance. If you buy resistance bands, it is likely there will be a description of the resistance of each band!
Take a sweaty selfie, leave a comment below or tag me on Instagram @fare_toned and use the hashtag #faretoned if you give this workout a try!